About Tami Grace Van Dyke

Tami Grace Van DykeTami’s work has been featured in numerous publications; from the cover shots for Style At Home magazine, to the projects featured in Women’s Day/Walls, Windows and Doors, Log Home Design Ideas, Style at Home, and Log Home Design.  She is a versatile and well-respected décor and space specialist.

She helped design the curriculum for the development of Conestoga College, Interior Decorating, and Visual Merchandising Courses, and became an instructor for the course.

An entrepreneur for more than twenty years, she established her business more than thirteen years ago.  Whether you are a student or a CFO of a national company, she treats you with professionalism and promises to help you find what works for you, and not what the latest trend is.

Since starting her business, she has worked on projects as small as re-decorating a bedroom, to large multi-million dollar projects, and corporate interiors.  She is capable of redefining space in an existing home, or coordinating an entire project from the ground up.

From cottage country to condominiums in Palm Beach, ski homes in Mount Tremblant to homes in the greater Toronto/Waterloo Region, Tami has a wide array of experience and vision to assist you with your project.

Contact Tami Grace Van Dyke for your next interior decorating project.